About Alice Jones

Hello! I’m AJ, and it’s lovely to meet you! I’m a recent young college graduate with a Bachelor’s in Psychology. Since I was a young girl, I’ve travelled the world and have found a passion for exploring new places and cultures. I’m particularly fascinated by different churches’ architecture and am a massive foodie at heart. Some of my favourite dishes that I was able to taste across the world include Fufu (a plantain dish from Africa) and Tarte flambee (a special kind of pizza from France that is creamy and divine).

I’m originally from the Washington D.C. area but lived in Europe for a few years. I explore small cities with cobblestone streets in my free time, watch re-runs of Gilmore Girls, and spend time with my family.

Family is one of my biggest priorities in life, and I can’t wait to start my own one day! I’m part German and part American, with most of my extended family living in Germany. However, I have lived in the U.S. for most of my life, and one of my best memories is travelling from D.C. to California and back again in 16 days. It indeed was a unique experience, with so many different memories, and I was able to see 18 other states in that short time frame.

Why Road Trip Heroes USA

I came to England on holiday and found the U.K. Road Trip Heroes site while searching on Google for parking in Manchester. I found the website so helpful. I wanted in. So, I contacted Charlie, the founder of the U.K. site, and asked if I could set it up in the States. I was excited when Charlie agreed to let me be a part of the Road Trip Heroes team!

Goals for the Site and Life

In time, as Charlie has planned for the U.K. site, the plan is to have so much super valuable data on where to park for free all over the United States to build an app to help people more efficiently and quickly. People in the USA seem to accept paying high parking prices like the norm, and it doesn’t have to be. When I was in college, many of my young mom friends had trouble making ends meet. Every little bit counted, and parking was just another expense that seemed unnecessary. I believe that exploring the world shouldn’t come at an exuberant cost, least of all from parking!

Mission Statement

My mission is to help save you, the visitor, from paying high parking fees to new cities. As someone who enjoys driving to different towns and states, I know that parking costs can add up. I don’t want anyone to spend the money they usually have to experience new activities with their loved ones on something so minuscule as parking. Understanding the world we live in starts by exploring it, and I genuinely believe that we all should have that opportunity.

My Bucket List

  1. Receive a Bachelor’s Degree COMPLETE
  2. Receive a Master’s Degree
  3. Learn about cryptocurrency COMPLETE (though ongoing)
  4. Become a writer COMPLETE
  5. Volunteer in the U.S.
  6. Volunteer in a third world country
  7. Go surfing in Hawaii
  8. Drink a latte and eat a croissant in Paris
  9. Visit Martha’s Vineyard
  10. Visit a Native American reservation and learn more about their culture
  11. Do stand-up paddleboard yoga
  12. Eat REAL pizza in Italy
  13. Go shopping in Dubai
  14. Write a book
  15. Learn videography
  16. Learn how to make floral arrangements
  17. Learn how to decorate cakes
  18. Move to a city apartment
  19. Go salsa dancing in Miami
  20. Hike the Grand Canyon on New Year’s Day before the sunrise 
  21. Start a networking group for young female entrepreneurs
  22. Learn how to speak Spanish fluently
  23. Learn how to speak Swahili fluently
  24. Learn how to speak French fluently
  25. Go go-kart racing in N.C.
  26. Attend a college football game
  27. Complete my Bucket List

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